Busy times...

We have been very busy of late on the farm. We have lots of things coming in ready to be harvested like savoy cabbage, green cabbage, kale, several varieties of Swiss chard, several lettuces, beets, carrots, potatoes, snow peas, yellow string beans. Soon we'll hopefully have blackberries... it seems like the summer has just begun and it's already August!

We also got some new geese, ducks, and a new batch of chicks for eggs and meat.

 One adventure we had recently was trying to move the mama  pig. The piglets are easy because they weigh maybe 20-30 pounds but she... you don't want to get her angry. Even with her piglets being taken away from her she refused to cross the line where she knew the electric fence used to be! It hadn't even been working for a few days.

It's funny the memory she has. We poked and prodded, but nothing would convince her to come. She just went back inside and laid down. We're going to need to figure something out soon so we can get her to greener pastures as they say...

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